Religious Tourism in a Region: Current State and Prospects of Development (Based on Volgograd Region)


Balabeykina Olga1ORCID


1. Saint Petersburg State University of Economics


Religious tourism has gained an increasing role throughout the world. Due to its initial component, pilgrimage, it is often considered the oldest form of tourism, dating thousands of years back. The paper is devoted to the analysis of the current state and prospects of the religious tourism development within the framework of the Orthodox doctrine on the example of Volgograd region. Using statistical and mathematical-economic methods, the author makes an assessment of the level of development of the industry and identifies strengths and weaknesses in the current economic system. In addition, the work investigates the unique infrastructural complex comprising numerous places of high religious importance. The choice of key and peripheral directions of a possible tourist flow is justified based on regional statistical data (including the number of cultural objects). The main reasons determining the development of the industry are also explained. The author defines the most important factors of attracting pilgrims and tourists for each large object of Volgograd region. Based on the SWOT-analysis method the author assesses the potential of the tourism development and finds promising and limiting aspects that can affect the future of the industry. The existing offer of tourist services is considered, and on the basis of unique qualities of Volgograd region the author points out alternatives and expansion possibilities for the existing religious tourism services.


Volgograd State University

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