1. Southern Federal University
To assess the consequences of the socio-economic policy implemented in the region, it is necessary to be able to evaluate the standard of living and the quality of life of the population not only in statics, but also in dynamics. At some point, the region may not be in the best situation in terms of the standard of living and the quality of life of the population, but if it demonstrates “movement” in the right direction for several years, it can be the basis for a positive assessment of the socio-economic policy implemented in the region. The authors have developed an approach to the dynamic analysis of the trajectory of “movement” of a region in the two-dimensional space “standard of living – quality of life”. The researchers propose to use the minimum number of special selected indicators to improve the objectivity of assessing the standard of living and the quality of life of the regional population. To assess the standard of living of the regional population, the indicator “average per capita income of the population” is selected, and to assess the quality of life of the population, the indicator “life expectancy at birth” is selected. The authors propose to use not absolute values of indicators, but their ratio to the average Russian value of the same indicator in a given year in order to provide a common base for comparing regions on indicators that reflect the standard of living and the quality of life of the regional population for several years. We can judge the success of the socio-economic policy in the region during the analyzed period according to the trajectory of the region’s movement in the space “standard of living – quality of life”. The authors present the results of testing the proposed approach on the example of analyzing trajectories of “movement” of the Federal districts of the Russian Federation in the space “standard of living – quality of life” for the period 2005–2017.
Российский Фонд Фундаментальных Исследований
Volgograd State University
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