Magnesium Oxide: Properties, Methods of Preparation and Application (Analytical Review)


Osadchenko Ivan1,Lyabin Mikhail2,Romanovskova Anastasia2


1. Volga Research Institute of Production and Processing of Meat and Dairy Products

2. Volgograd State University


The article deals with magnesium oxide, this nutrient is widely used for the treatment and prevention of nervous and cardiovascular diseases, has an antidepressant effect of its application and further study of the properties is relevant to the applied aspects of chemical and medical Sciences. Magnesium is one of the main minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, nervous system, muscles, it largely depends on the strength of bones and normal cell activity. With a balanced diet, a person usually gets enough magnesium with food. If the diet is poor in fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, there are bad habits, then over time may develop a deficiency of this substance. In this case, magnesium oxide is prescribed by a doctor as a drug for oral administration. The main field of application of magnesium oxide is the production of refractory materials, 65 % of all magnesia is used in the production of steel, 15 % – in the cement industry, 7 % – in the production of refractories, 13 % – in other areas. For the purpose of selection of data in sources of information on properties, ways of receiving and application of the representative of mineral food – magnesium oxide the analysis of domestic and foreign literature is carried out. The analytical selection of data of some sources of information on its properties, ways of obtaining and application is presented, special attention is paid to the use of this compound in medicine. The data obtained allow the use of this chemical composition in each field of application has its own requirements for the quality of magnesium oxide.


Volgograd State University

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