In this short survey we give a background and explain some recent developments in algebraic minimal cones and nonassociative algebras. A part of this paper is recollections of my collaboration with my teacher, PhD supervisor and a colleague, Vladimir Miklyukov on minimal surface theory that motivated the present research.
Volgograd State University
Reference60 articles.
1. Miklyukov V.M. Dve teoremy o granichnykh svoystvakh minimalnykh poverkhnostey v neparametricheskoy forme [Two Theorems on Boundary Properties of Minimal Surfaces in Nonparametric Form]. Mat. zametki [Mathematical Notes], 1977, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 551-556.
2. Miklyukov V.M. O konformnom tipe poverkhnostey, teoreme Liuvillya i teoreme Bernshteyna [Conformal Type of Surfaces, Liouville’s Theorem and Bernstein’s Theorem]. Dokl. AN SSSR [Doklady Mathematics], 1978, vol. 242, no. 3, pp. 537-540.
3. Miklyukov V.M. Ob odnom novom podkhode k teoreme Bernshteyna i blizkim voprosam uravneniy tipa minimalnoy poverkhnosti [A New Approach to the Bernstein Theorem and to Related Questions of Equations of Minimal Surface Type]. Matem. sb [Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik], 1979, vol. 108 (150), no. 2, pp. 268-289.
4. Miklyukov V.M. O nekotorykh svoystvakh trubchatykh minimalnykh poverkhnostey v R𝑛 [Some Properties of Tubular Minimal Surfaces In Rn]. Dokl. AN SSSR [Doklady Mathematics], 1979, vol. 247, no. 3, pp. 549-552.
5. Miklyukov V.M. Ob asimptoticheskikh svoystvakh subresheniy kvazilineynykh uravneniy ellipticheskogo tipa i otobrazheniy s ogranichennym iskazheniem [Asymptotic Properties of Subsolutions of Quasilinear Equations of Elliptic Type and Mappings with Bounded Distortion]. Matem. sb [Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik], 1980, vol. 111 (153), no. 1, pp. 42-66.
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