Carbon leaching from peat soils of the north of Western Siberia under different hydrological conditions
Container-title:Dokuchaev Soil Bulletin
Timofeeva M. V.1, Goncharova O. Yu.2, Matyshak G. V.2, Bochkova S. D.2, Kadulin M. S.2
1. Federal Research Centre “V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute”
Lomonosov Moscow State University 2. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Frozen peat soils in the north of Western Siberia are vulnerable to the on-going climate changes. The increase in temperature which affects the permafrost thaw returns the huge carbon stocks to the global element cycle. Its export in the form of dissolved organic matter from peatlands is determined by a number of factors, among which hydrological conditions are the least studied. The influence of hydrological regimes on carbon export from oligotrophic peat soils in discontinuous permafrost zone was investigated in laboratory conditions. The model column experiment allowed estimating the carbon yield from undisturbed (monolithic) peat samples of different degrees of decomposition. Three types of mesocosms were considered: undisturbed samples of the TO horizon, as well as the TO horizon with underlying material of different texture (sand and loam). The concentration of dissolved organic carbon in the lysimetric waters of a fibric peat does not differ for the “precipitation” and “snowmelt” simulating modes, and in the “stagnation” mode it is 1.4 times less. Sapric peat lysimetric waters show no differences under simulating hydrological regimes. The total export of organic carbon for three successive extractions for fibric peat is 32% higher than for sapric peat. An increase in carbon in the sandy material after three cycles of the experiment was revealed, the loamy material did not show significant differences. The carbon adsorption by mineral soil layers of the study area can be a protective mechanism that prevents increased runoff from the soils.
V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute
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