Comparative characterisation of forest litter on sod-podzolic soils of Forest Experimental Dacha in RSAU–MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev


Mamontov V. G.1,Savichev A. T.2,Efimov O. E.1


1. RSAU–MTAA named after K.A. Timiryazev

2. Federal Research Centre “V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute”


Forest litter under linden and pine forests was studied at the Forest Experimental Dacha of the RSAU–MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev. Despite significant differences in physical and chemical parameters between the litter formed under the conditions of different forest communities, the properties of sod-podzolic soils formed under both vegetation types are quite similar. The litter under linden forest has higher ash content, it is less acidic and contains almost 2 times more exchangeable bases, the content of hydrogen and nitrogen is higher by 0.82 wt% and 0.66 wt%, respectively. The litter of linden and pine forests, according to the atomic ratios H : C, C : N and the degree of oxidation, are equal to 1.82, 30.3, -0.92 and 1.64, 45.7, -0.71, respectively; the litter of linden forests differs from litter of pine forests in the higher content of aliphatic, nitrogen-rich, reduced organic compounds. In the litter of linden forests concentration coefficients of phosphorus and magnesium 1.2 times higher; of carbon, potassium and aluminium – 1.3 times higher; of calcium – 1.4 times higher; of nitrogen – 1.8 times higher, and of silicon – 3 times higher, than in the litter of pine trees. However, the concentration factor of manganese in the pine forest litter is 1.9 times higher compared to the litter of linden. According to the results of UV spectroscopy, water-soluble organic matter of pine forest litter, unlike water-soluble organic matter of linden forest litter, is more enriched by components of aromatic origin. This is evidenced by higher values of SUVA254 and lower values of coefficients E2/E3 and E4/E6. 


V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute


General Medicine

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