1. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, FEB RAS
We conducted a study of the inertial oscillations of the speed of currents in Peter the Great Bay, induced by typhoon Lionrock. The study is based on the measurements of the moored acoustic Doppler current profiler. Data analysis showed that under the action of the typhoon a field of currents with inertial oscillations (IO) of anomalous characteristics was formed in the bay. It is found that the spectral energy of the IO of currents with left and right rotation are of the same order while the major axis of the hodograph of the speed of these currents exceeds its small axis by an order of magnitude. A change of the inertial frequencies of the currents with cyclonic rotation, as well as the “red shift” of this frequency in the bottom and the “blue shift” in the surface layer of the inertial currents with anticyclonic rotation were found. Parametric IO interaction with anticyclonic rotation and the synoptic component of the currents with the same direction of rotation was detected. It has been suggested that the anomalous characteristics of inertial currents with two types of rotation are due to their interaction with the low-frequency component of the stream of Primorsky Current induced by the typhoon.
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS
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3 articles.