1. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
The process of birth and drift of the Bosporus intrusions as simultaneous temperature and oxygen anomalies in the S-W part of the Black Sea was considered on the basis of data from 2 Argo bio-buoys. The erosion of the amplitude of the anomalies can be traced to a distance of 500 km from the Bosphorus. But in winter, buoys encounter anomalies of temperature and oxygen even further, moreover, both on the periphery of the sea and in the gyres. The parameters of these anomalies are contradictory: increased temperature says that these are Bosphorus intrusions that have been drifting at sea for several months. But they contain up to 20 μM of oxygen in the upper part of the hydrogen sulphide zone, which according to previous data has a life time in such conditions of only about 1 week. This implies local formation of anomalies due to poorly studied processes of winter subsurface water transfer. The author is inclined in favor of the second reason and calls on other researchers to pay attention to this.The process of birth and drift of the Bosporus intrusions as simultaneous temperature and oxygen anomalies in the S-W part of the Black Sea was considered on the basis of data from 2 Argo bio-buoys. The erosion of the amplitude of the anomalies can be traced to a distance of 500 km from the Bosphorus. But in winter, buoys encounter anomalies of temperature and oxygen even further, moreover, both on the periphery of the sea and in the gyres. The parameters of these anomalies are contradictory: increased temperature says that these are Bosphorus intrusions that have been drifting at sea for several months. But they contain up to 20 μM of oxygen in the upper part of the hydrogen sulphide zone, which according to previous data has a life time in such conditions of only about 1 week. This implies local formation of anomalies due to poorly studied processes of winter subsurface water transfer. The author is inclined in favor of the second reason and calls on other researchers to pay attention to this.
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS
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