1. ООО "RusGazAlliance"
2. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
The article presents the results of magnetometric engineering work at the Semakovsky subsoil block within the water area of the Taz Bay of the Kara Sea. The purpose of the work was to determine the coordinates of the exact location of the wellheads of 6 abandoned wells and to examine the wellhead area for the presence of foreign magnetic objects. This paper examines the procedure for finding abandoned wells using marine magnetic surveys and shows their reflection in an abnormal magnetic field. The relevance of the work is related to ensuring the environmental safety of the water area and the requirements of the Safety Rules in the oil and gas industry. To meet the requirements, it is necessary to check the technical condition of the wellheads of abandoned wells for the presence of hydrocarbon omissions. A diving survey of the area in the wellhead zone did not reveal any hydrocarbon passes, however, it confirmed the presence of a number of man-made objects near the wellheads identified by magnetic surveys. When working at shallow depths, the original configuration of the magnetometer was proposed and used.
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS
Geology,Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology
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