1. Antipov, N. N., V. P. Bunyakin, S. V. Kashin, V. L. Kuznecov, and I. A. Chistyakov, 2016: Okeanograficheskie issledovaniya Yuznogo okeana v yanvare–aprele 2016 goda s borta NES “Akademik Fedorov” (Oceanographic studies of the Southern Ocean in January–April 2016 from the board of the R/V “Academician Fedorov”). Rossijskie polyarnye issledovaniya, 2, 12–15.
2. Antipov, N. N., V. P. Bunyakin, S. V. Kashin, V. L. Kuznetsov, and I. A. Czystiakov, 2017: Okeanologicheskie issledovaniya Yuznogo okeana v 41-m reise NES “Akademik Fedorov” (Oceanographic studies of the Southern Ocean in the 41st voyage of the R/V “Academician Fedorov”). Rossijskie polyarnye issledovaniya, 3, 8–10.
3. Antipov, N. N., S. V. Kashin, and M. S. Molchanov, 2021: Glubokovodnye okenologicheskie issledovaniya Yuznogo okeana s borta NES “Akademik Treshnikov” v sezonnyi period 66 RAE (Deep-sea oceanological research of the Southern Ocean from the board of the R/V “Academician Treshnikov” during the seasonal period of the 66th RAE). Rossijskie polyarnye issledovaniya, 3, 9–13.
4. Antipov, N. N., S. V. Kashin, M. S. Molchanov, and A. A. Fedotova, 2022: Osnovnye rezul’taty okeanologicheskih issledovanij Yuznogo okeana v sezonnyj period 67 RAE (The main results of oceanological studies of the Southern Ocean during the seasonal period of the 67th RAE). Rossijskie polyarnye issledovaniya, 4, 18–24.
5. Antipov, N. N., S. V. Kashin, and M. S. Molchanov, 2020: Okeanograficheskie issledovaniya YUzhnogo okeana v 14 rejse NES “Akademik Treshnikov” (Oceanographic studies of the Southern Ocean in the 14st voyage of the R/V “Academician Treshnikov”). Rossijskie polyarnye issledovaniya, 2, 32–35.