
Viazilov E. D.1,Melnikov D. A.1


1. All-Russian research institute for Hydrometeorological Information – World Data Centre, Roshydromet


The global community faces major economic challenges related to the adaptation of enterprises and populations to climate change and natural hazards. For the first time, as part of the implementation of the new paradigm of hydrometeorological support, it proposed to increase the awareness of enterprise managers and the population with IT achievements. The basic principles for the development of hydrometeorological support presented, which will help raise the awareness of enterprise managers and the population. To increase awareness, services for identifying natural hazards in the flow of operational data based on local threshold values of indicators by hazard levels considered. Delivering information about extreme events to managers via mobile Internet devices or email is very important for managers. Providing indicators of hazards on the information panel of the enterprise manager need for quick acquaintance with the current hydrometeorological situation presented. Observed, forecast and climatic values of parameters can see on a one interactive map. Decision support tools in the form of lists of possible impacts of natural hazards and recommendations for decision-making developed. The use of augmented reality, showing on video possible impacts modeled for a specific object and type of activity will need in future. A damage assessment from impacts and computing of preventive actions costs of their implementation is base of decisions optimization by “cost/damage” model. The control of implementation of preventive actions and monitoring and evaluation of decision-making results is tool for increasing safety enterprises and population. Proposed solutions raise awareness of business leaders and the public. Because of the implementation of the new paradigm of personalized support, business leaders will receive a message about an extreme event that the site is in danger and will have additional time to justify decision-making.


P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS

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