
Moshonkin S. N.1,Zalesny V. B.1,Gusev A. V.2,Byshev V. I.3


1. Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences


Circulation patterns characterizing the variability of the dynamics of the active ocean layer describes in the regions of Greenland and Norwegian seas, in the Subpolar Gyre of the North Atlantic based on the analysis of numerical experiments for 1948–2009 with the model of the North Atlantic and the Arctic (step 0.25°, 40 levels). Density and current velocities anomalies were determined by subtracting the average annual cycle from the realizations for 0–300 m layer. Most covariant joint distributions (modes) for the spatiotemporal fields these anomalies defined by SVD analysis and investigated. An analysis of the structural, correlation, and dispersion characteristics of the main joint modes of variability of water density and current velocities anomalies is given. The second and third modes of circulation anomalies in the north of the Greenland Sea and in the Subpolar Gyre of the North Atlantic show the possibility of stabilizing the amplitude of the variability of heat and salt transport by currents and water exchange between the Atlantic and Arctic at a certain climatic level. These phenomena are characterized by the time scale from intra-monthly to six months in the north of the Greenland Sea. The change in the intensity of the anticyclonic water rotation in the Norwegian Basin balances the variability of the Atlantic Norwegian Current mass transport on a 2.5-year scale.


P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS

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