1. 1) OECD : Extended Producer Responsibility, Updated Guidance for Efficient Waste Management, OECD Publishing (2016)
2. 2) OECD : Extended Producer Responsibility, Updated Guidance for Governments, OECD Publishing (2001)
3. 3) T. Lindhqvist : Extended Producer Responsibility in Cleaner Production, Policy Principle to Promote Environmental Improvement of Product Systems, Lund University (2000)
4. 4) European Commission-DG Environment : Development of Guidance on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Final Report, BIO Intelligence Service; In Collaboration with Arcadis, Ecologic, Institute for European Policy(IEEP), Umweltbundesamt(UBA) (2014)
5. 5) OECD : Extended Producer Responsibility, Updated Guidance for Efficient Waste Management, OECD Publishing, p.21 (2016)