1. V Upravlenii po voprosam migratsii GU MVD Rossii po Novosibirskoy oblasti proshla press-konferentsiya po itogam 2019 goda. [A press conference on the results of 2019 was held at Migration Department of Main Directorate of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Novosibirsk Oblast]. (Epub.), Available: https://54.xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/news/item/19430268. (Accessed 01.04.2022).
2. Demikhova O.V., Nechaeva O.B. Voprosy dostupa migrantov k meropriyatiyam po rannemu vyavleniyu, diagnostike, profilaktike i lecheniyu tuberkuleza i tuberkuleza, sochetannogo s VICH-infektsiyey, v stranakh SNG (analiticheskiy obzor). [Access of migrants to early detection, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis and TB/HIV co-infection (analytical review)]. Moscow, 2016, 66 p. (Epub). Available: https://mednet.ru/images/stories/files/CMT/migranty.pdf. (Accessed 01.04.2022).
3. Mukharyamova L.M., Kuznetsova I.B., Vafina G.G. The sick, patient, and client: positions of a labor migrant in the Russian Healthcare System (on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan). Vestnik Sovremennoy Klinicheskoy Meditsiny, 2014, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 43-49. (In Russ.)
4. Otdelnyye pokazateli migratsionnoy situatsii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii za yanvar ‒ dekabr 2021 g. s raspredeleniyem po stranam i regionam. [Selected rates of the migration situation in the Russian Federation for January-December 2021 with distribution by country and region]. (Epub.), Available: https://xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/dejatelnost/statistics/migracionnaya/item/28104344. (Accessed 01.04.2022).
5. Svodka osnovnykh pokazateley deyatelnosti po migratsionnoy situatsii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii za yanvar ‒ dekabr 2021 goda. [Summary of key performance rates on the migration situation in the Russian Federation for January-December 2021]. (Epub.), Available: https://xn-b1aew.xn-p1ai/dejatelnost/statistics/migracionnaya/item/28104434/. (Accessed 01.04.2022).