Staged Surgical Treatment of Patients with Destructive Pulmonary Tuberculosis with pre-XDR Using Anterior Mediastinal Plasty


Tarasov R. V.1,Krasnikova E. V.1,Lepekha L. N.1,Sadovnikova S. S.1,Bagirov M. A.1


1. Central Tuberculosis Research Institute,


The presented observation describes an example of effective treatment of the patient with disseminated destructive pulmonary tuberculosis with preXDR. The treatment included staged surgery using the original method of anterior mediastinum plasty with a mesh implant.The treatment resulted in the following outcomes: stabilization of the tuberculous disease, persistent sputum conversion, minimization of overdistension of the only lung, absence of mediastinal pulmonary hernia and no deterioration of respiratory function.


LLC "Medical Knowledge and Technologies"


General Medicine

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