Arterial stiffness and albuminuria as markers of endothelial dysfunction in those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


Bakina A. A.1ORCID,Pavlenko V. A.1,Naryshkina S. V.1


1. Amur State Medical Academy


The objective: to assess the state of arterial stiffness and the level of albuminuria in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and to investigate the presence and nature of the association of the studied parameters with clinical and laboratory parameters of COPD.Subjects and methods. 70 patients with COPD were examined, they all were divided into 4 groups depending on severity of clinical symptoms and number of exacerbations suffered in the previous 12 months. Additionally to standard examinations, albuminuria level, the pulse wave velocity in aorta (PWVa), and cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) were assessed.Results. The increased albuminuria level was registered in 51.4% of patients mainly suffering from frequent exacerbations. The increased CAVI and PWVa also prevailed in individuals with a high frequency of exacerbation and their higher levels were found in 37.1% and 14.3% of patients, respectively. PWVa and CAVI values were found to be associated with albuminuria level and clinical and laboratory parameters of COPD.


New Terra


General Medicine

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