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4. Edict no. 951 by RF MoH as of 29.19.2014 On Approval of Guidelines for Improvement of Respiratory Tuberculosis Diagnostics and Treatment. (In Russ.)
5. Federalnye klinicheskiye rekomendatsii po diagnostike i lecheniyu tuberkuleza organov dykhaniya s mnozhestvennoy i shirokoy lekarstennoy ustoichivostyu vozbuditelya. [Federal clinical recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of respiratory tuberculosis with multiple and extensive drug resistance]. (Vasilyeva I.A., Aksenova V.A., Ergeshov A.E., Maryandyshev A.O., Samoylova A.G., Bagdasaryan T.R., Komissarova O.G., Lovacheva O.V., Perfiliev A.V., Karpina N.L. et al.) Moscow, OOO NEW TERRA PUBL., 2014, 52 p.