The Effect of the Method of Airway Management During Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Procedures on the Intraoperative Bleeding


Pavlov V. E.1ORCID,Polushin Yu. S.1ORCID,Kolotilov L. V.2ORCID,Karpishchenko S. A.1ORCID


1. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

2. St. Joseph's University, St. Joseph's College of Health and Allied Sciences


The objective: to conduct a comparative assessment of the severity of intraoperative bleeding with different methods of airway management (using a laryngeal mask and endotracheal tube) during endoscopic rhinosinussurgical procedures.Subjects and Methods. A prospective randomized cohort single-center study of 160 cases of endoscopic rhinosinussurgical procedures under general anesthesia was conducted.Tracheal intubation (TI) was used in 79 cases (Group 1), a laryngeal mask (LM) – in 81 (Group 2). The evaluation criteria in the groups included the bleeding intensity (BI) by 6-point scale of average categories (Fromme-Boezaart Score), indicators characterizing the state of blood circulation during surgery: HR, BPsys., BPdiast., MAP, and perfusion index.Results. Significantly lower BI values were observed in Group 2 at all time points of the study (at the 10th, 30th and 60th minute of surgery). This was due both to using a laryngeal mask, and to lower HR, BPsys., BPdiast, and MAP.Conclusion. The use of a laryngeal mask for airway management during general anesthesia in endoscopic rhinosinussurgical procedures helps to reduce the intensity of surgical field bleeding.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine,Emergency Medicine

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