Acute methadone poisoning in children: diagnosis and treatment


Udaltsov M. A.1,Pshenisnov K. V.2,Аleksandrovich Yu. S.2,Kaziakhmedov V. A.3


1. N. F. Filatov Children City Hospital no. 5, Saint-Petersburg Health Committee

2. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

3. N. F. Filatov Children City Hospital no. 5, Saint-Petersburg Health Committee; St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


Methadone poisoning is one of the most common causes of unfavorable outcomes in children.The objective is to identify specific parameters of the course and intensive care for methadone poisoning in children.Subjects and methods. 30 children were examined. The average age made 16 (15‒17) years. The duration of treatment in ICU was 3 (1.5‒4.0) days.Results. The most frequent clinical manifestations of methadone poisoning included coma (40%), acute respiratory failure (70%), low body temperature (57%), and myosis (100%). By the admission, the oxygenation index was 4.5 r.u. 37% of patients had pronounced lactate acidosis. On day 1, the volemic support made 143 (124‒165)% of the estimated fluid demand. 21 (70%) children needed artificial pulmonary ventilation. The negative correlation was established between treatment duration in ICU, Glasgow coma scale (R = -0.41; p < 0.05), Glasgow-Pittsburgh coma scale (R = -0.52; p < 0.05) and urea concentration in blood within the first 24 hours (R = 0.44; p < 0.05).Conclusion. The main criteria determining the severity of the state of patients with acute methadone poisoning include the level of depression of consciousness, the presence of acute respiratory and renal failure.


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