1. Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior – Instituto Politécnico de Santarém (ESDRM-IPS); Centro de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação em Turismo (CITUR)
The training processes of nature-based sport professionals, the mastery of different types of knowledge, the quality of technical, pedagogical and scientific intervention in different activities, the safeguarding of safety and risk management issues, the good practices associated with sustainability and development are, among others, some of the areas that can (and should) contribute to the development of this area. Considering this purpose and based on a synthesis of applied research, as well as the accumulation of two decades of experience, we present our understanding of what we consider relevant for the way to go, in the context of training and intervention in nature-based sport.
Sociedade Cientifica de Pedagogia do Desporto
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