
Manukovskiy Andrey1,Kurdyukov D.,Korotkov V.


1. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet imeni G.F. Morozova»


This article describes the experience of using elements of information modeling technology. Where the process of forming the information model was controlled by representatives of the Customer service in an organized environment of common data on the Internet server of the design organization. Also in this paper, a description is given of the application of elements of information modeling technology during the Customer’s verification, and the deadlines for completing the work are given, which at the end of the experiment gave a significant increase in productivity. The content of the article contains a description of an effective method of interaction of all participants at the design, construction and operation stages and continues to find application in existing projects, while not reducing the productivity time. Research in the article, in the case of joint work using elements of information modeling technology, leads to a certain experience, from which it can be concluded that the introduction of information modeling technology in the road industry is expected not only to improve the quality of the project, but also becomes more effective interaction of all participants at the design, construction and operation stage. The content of the article gives an idea that in fact, the information model of the project is an analog of a paper project. Also, the article discusses the issue of reducing the time of production of design works and works on making changes to the project documentation. This article will be useful for design specialists at the development stage, as well as the working stage.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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