
Grezina Lyudmila1,Vertakova Yuliya2


1. Southwest State University

2. Finansovyy universitet


The article is devoted to the study of the features of the application of the lean manufacturing concept in Russian industry. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of increasing labor productivity using traditional and innovative methods of continuous improvement of business processes in industry. The purpose of this article is to study the concepts of lean production as a factor in increasing labor productivity of Russian companies and to develop innovative methods that increase the efficiency of lean production. As part of the study, an assessment was made of the impact of the implementation of the National Project “Labor Productivity” on the growth of industrial efficiency, the dynamics of the productivity index from the moment the measures began state support. The regions leading in productivity growth and the regions of the Central Black Sea Region are considered. The results of the study show that in general, for the type of economic activity “Manufacturing”, the growth rate of the labor productivity index is negative during the implementation of the national project; there is only a jump in 2020. It is suggested that this is not related to the implementation of the project, but to the general crisis bifurcation situation in economics. The article shows that the experience of those regions that have achieved success despite the general socio-economic instability in the country and industry deserves a closer look. Summarizing best practices, the article systematizes the main methods of lean production, paying special attention to innovative methods that can be used not only in industry, but also in all types of economic activity. A survey was conducted of the opinions of specialists representing a number of industrial enterprises of the Central Black Sea Region involved in the implementation of the National Project “Labor Productivity”, this made it possible to generalize productive methods of lean production and identify the main problems in applying the concept of lean production in Russian industry.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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