
Makarov Evgeny1,Makarov Matvey2,Prygunkov Aleksey3,Bekkiev Azret4


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

2. Voronezh Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

3. 2Akcionernoe obschestvo «Koncern «Sozvezdie»

4. 3Akcionernoe obschestvo «Ob'edinennaya priborostroitel'naya korporaciya»


One of the problems of the country's investment and construction sector is the problem of creating a transparent system for quality control of a construction project. The existing quality control system in construction, based on documenting the quality of material and technical resources and the production of work at each stage of the technological process of creating a construction project (construction control), does not provide holistic, transparent, information protected from unauthorized changes , available to all construction participants and end consumers. The article presents one of the possible approaches to designing the architecture of a logistics quality management system in construction with the integration of all necessary information in an information document called a quality passport of the finished construction project. The structure of the passport is proposed, built on the principle of forming a supply chain of material and technical resources (primarily construction materials), starting from a quarry for the extraction of non-metallic building materials and ending with the implementation of a set of technologically interrelated works for the construction of an object on a construction site. The author's definition of the quality certificate of a construction project is formulated. The instrumental support for the proposed architecture of the logistics system can be the Blockchain technology platform, which most fully meets the requirements for the preparation, integration and presentation of information about the quality of a construction project, the elements of which (quality) are formed along the technological supply chain of material and technical resources for construction throughout their movement from the primary source of their occurrence (for example, pre-production) to their installation at the construction site. Blockchain technology will ensure the receipt of reliable and undistorted information about the quality of materials used in construction for any reason, the safety of data on the quality of resources, and the use of quality information for all interested participants in the investment and construction process.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference15 articles.

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