
Ivanova Anna1,Guseva Lyudmila2,Chernyshova Svetlana2


1. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet imeni G.F. Morozova»

2. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The article deals with the issues of identifying promising areas of scientific and technical development of forestry in the Russian Federation from the point of view of the demand for innovations. Since the resources of the scientific and technical potential of forestry are limited, and the range of diverse tasks in the field of scientific and technological development is extremely wide, the system for the formation and implementation of such priorities is of paramount importance in the commercialization of forestry innovations in the Russian Federation, which will accelerate the process of diffusion of innovation. To substantiate the priorities of the diffusion of innovations in forestry in the Russian Federation, bibliometric analysis was applied. An analytical assessment of the priorities of the diffusion of innovations was carried out according to two criteria: the criterion of significance and the criterion of the dynamism of the analyzed direction of science and technology in the field of forestry, which is promising for the diffusion of innovations. It has been proved that, according to the criterion of significance, the most promising at the moment for the diffusion of innovations are scientific areas of forest fire protection, forest protection, invasions, chemical and biological means of forest protection, forest engineering, robotics and forest genetics and selection, biodiversity conservation. ... According to the criterion of dynamism, consumers are most interested in the direction for assessing the productivity, growth, depositing capacity of forest ecosystems. As the conclusions, well-founded proposals were made regarding the prospects for the diffusion of innovations in the forestry of the Russian Federation.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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