
Yakovenko Nataliya1


1. oronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


The relevance of the stated topic is justified by a set of factors, and, above all, by the fact that an unscrupulous approach to the use of environmental resources brings irreparable social and economic harm. The ecological balance and stability of ecosystems is properly maintained by nature itself, but the emergence of the modern industrial era has upset the ecological balance through intensive industrialization, technological revolution, faster growth of vehicles, predatory exploitation of resources, unplanned urbanization, etc. The article aims to analyze the main problems of the economic mechanism of effective nature management and priorities of its functioning. The author reveals the main characteristics of the economic mechanism of nature management: the lack of effective incentives to reduce the negative impact on the environment, the rational use of natural resources and the use of resource- and energy-saving technologies, the lack of payments for emissions, discharges, waste disposal and use of natural resources to finance environmental protection activities and reproduction of renewable natural resources in the required scale; the mechanism of lending for environmental protection measures, tax benefits and price incentives for environmental activities is practically inactive. The main priorities in the development of such a mechanism are proposed: an ecologized system of preparation and decision-making in the field of nature management; cardinal restructuring of taxation; the need to include indicators of economic evaluation of natural resources in the system of industrial and economic relations in society.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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