
Nalivaychenko Alina1,Skripnikov Pavel1,Gorbov Sergey1,Mateckaya Anna1


1. Southern Federal University


The article provides a detailed analysis of the composition and condition of the vegetation cover of individual old-growth artificial forest plantations of the Rostov agglomeration. Field studies of urban vegetation were carried out within the territories of the city of Rostov-on-Don: The Shchepkinsky Forest plantation, the Temernitskaya Grove city grove, the nursery of the Botanical Garden of the Southern Federal University, the park named after. N. Ostrovsky, park them. K. Chukovsky, Ordzhonikidze Park and forest plantation in Aksai. As part of the monitoring, geobotanical descriptions were carried out to assess the species diversity of tree species and subsoil herbaceous vegetation. It has been established that the largest contribution to the composition of the forest park zones of the cities of the South. Rostov-on-Don are introduced by adventive, synanthropic, cultigenic and weed vascular plants. The flora of the agglomeration today remains quite peculiar. Of the seven studied park and recreational zones, the largest floristic composition was noted for «Shchepkinsky Forest» and «Temernitskaya Grove» territories. Even though the Temernitskaya Grove is under anthropogenic pressure, its herbaceous cover is more diverse than in the Shchepkinsky forest. Healthy, weakened and strongly weakened state of the forest stand is noted in all plots. The most identical in systematic composition are very remote groups of park and recreational zones.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


General Medicine

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