1. Volga State University of Technology
2. Filial FBU «Rossiyskiy centr zaschity lesa» – «Centr zaschity lesa Respubliki Mariy El»
The purpose of the study is a comparative assessment of the genetic diversity and differentiation of common pine seeds of different breeding categories. The object of the study was seeds harvested on permanent forest seed plots and clone forest seed plantations in the Penza region, the Chuvash Republic and the Republic of Mari El. A polymerase chain reaction method with ISSR primers has been used to assess the level of genetic diversity and differentiation. A total of 250 loci have been amplified using 6 ISSR primers, 210 of which were polymorphic ones. The studied seed batches were characterized by different levels of genetic variation. Indicators of genetic diversity of seeds (improved breeding category) have varied within the following limits: the percentage of polymorphic loci from 56.3 to 72.6; the number of alleles per locus from 1.56 to 1.73; effective number of alleles from 1.26 to 1.38; expected heterozygosity from 0.17 to 0.23. Seeds of the normal selection category are characterized by the following indicators of genetic diversity: the percentage of polymorphic loci is 57.2–72.6; the number of alleles per locus 1.57–1.68; the effective number of alleles is 1.25–1.33; expected heterozygosity - 0.16–0.19. Dependence of the level of genetic diversity on the selection category of seeds has not been identified. Generalized indicators of the genetic diversity of improved seeds have been close or higher in comparison with normal seeds. Ney's genetic distance between 8 batches of seeds has ranged from 0.027 to 0.113. The genetic subdivision index (GSI) was 0.25. Therefore, a large proportion of the genetic variation is located inside seed batches (75%).
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov
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