
Popikov Petr1,Pozdnyakov Anton2


1. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

2. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet imeni G.F. Morozova»


The paper provides an overview of research on the working processes of screw working bodies of technological machines. It is noted that at present such important issues in the theory of auger working bodies as the required number of auger turns, the required position of the auger spiral in relation to the center, etc. have not been fully resolved, since the solution of these issues can provide an increased productivity of the tool. A structural and technological scheme of a forest fire machine with multifunctional modules is proposed, which consists of auger working bodies, which can be changed modularly with a screw metal thread for a brush, depending on the area and type of soil, the rotor of the thrower, with the ability to drive the cutters-throwers and auger working bodies both from the power take-off shaft of the tractor, and using a hydraulic motor, a guide casing. A mathematical model of an auger working body with a hydraulic drive has been compiled for removing the ground cover with forest litter when extinguishing forest fires with a ground gun, so that combustible materials do not fall into the fire zone together with the soil flow from the rotor-thrower. The working process of the hydraulic drive of the auger working bodies of a forest fire ground-sweeping machine is described by a system of differential equations, including the equations of translational and rotational movements of the auger working body and the equation of the flow rate of the working fluid. The problem of optimization of kinematic and dynamic parameters of auger working bodies of forest fire ground-sweeping machine is set


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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