
Burmistrova Olga1,Teterevleva Elena2,Grigorev Igor3,Kunitskaya O.4,Manukovskiy Andrey5,Rudov Sergey6,Vostrikov Dmitriy5


1. Uhta State Technical University

2. FGBOU VO «Uhtinskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet»

3. Yakut State Agrikultural academy

4. FGBOU VO «Yakutskaya gosudarstvennaya sel'skohozyaystvennaya akademiya»

5. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet imeni G.F. Morozova»

6. FGVOU VO «Voennaya akademiya svyazi imeni Marshala Sovetskogo Soyuza S.M. Budennogo»


The purpose of the research, the results of which are presented in this article, is to analyze the scientific description of the properties of weak bearing movement surfaces of forest machines. The analysis has showed that universal mathematical models of the wheel propeller interaction with soil are based on the provisions of soil mechanics. This approach has been tested in the science of forestry production. It is successfully used by modern domestic and foreign researchers. However, with regard to the development and implementation of a mathematical description of interaction of ultra-low pressure wheeled mover (for example, in all-terrain wheeled vehicle) with supporting surfaces, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the sides of the mover’s contact spot with the soil, since: mover pressure on the ground is defined as the partial load of a single mover and the area contact spots; the distribution of compressive stress over the depth of the soil mass depends on the ratio of the length and width of the contact spot; the bearing capacity characterizing the resistance to shear of the soil layers depends not only on its physical and mechanical properties, but also on the parameters of the contact spot, which is taken into account by special correction factors, the values of which depend on the aspect ratio of the contact spot. Soil rheology is considered to take into account the number of passes of a wheeled all-terrain vehicle along the route and its speed. One of the characteristics of the impact of the mover is exposure time. Value of the length of the contact spot is also used when determining the impact time of the mover on the soil.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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