Modeling of work process of the column rotation mechanism of the auto-sortiment truck manipulator, taking into account the volumetric rigidity of the energy-saving hydraulic drive


Rybak Aleksandr1,Popikov Petr2,Druchinin Denis2,Homenko Konstantin2,Popikov Sergei32


1. Don State Technical University

2. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

3. Institute of Integrated Highway Design LLC


The variety of design options for hydraulic drive systems of technological machines makes it necessary to analyze the advantages and limitations of existing and promising technical solutions. It has been established that in the research and design of machines and equipment, mathematical modeling of their operating modes is widely used, which makes it possible to justify and optimize design and technological parameters already at the design stage of promising energy recovery schemes in hydraulic drives of manipulators, drive wheels and traction devices of timber vehicles. The purpose of the work is to reduce the energy intensity and dynamic load of the column rotation mechanism of the auto-sortiment truck manipulator based on modeling the operation of the column rotation mechanism of the auto-sortiment truck manipulator, taking into account the volumetric rigidity of the energy-saving hydraulic drive. The column rotation mechanism of the serial forestry manipulator Atlant S100 based on the KamAZ-680247 off-road vehicle was chosen as the object of study. When upgrading the column rotation mechanism, it was proposed to disconnect one pair of double hydraulic cylinders from the pump and connect it to a hydraulic accumulator. Moreover, the hydraulic accumulator does not have a hydraulic connection with the pump for recharging, and when fully charged, the recovery hydraulic cylinders communicate through additional check valves with the unloading valve and distributor to switch the pump to idle mode. The differential equation for the rotational motion of the column takes into account the moments of driving forces and resistance forces. When modeling the working processes of an energy-saving hydraulic drive, differential equations for the flow of working fluid at the inlet and outlet of individual sections of the design hydraulic circuit were compiled. The compiled mathematical model in the form of a system of differential equations is solved using the SimInTech modeling environment. Theoretical dependences of the pressure of the working fluid at various points of the hydraulic system using an energy-saving device have been obtained, on the basis of which it is possible to substantiate the optimal parameters and operating modes of the mechanism for turning the column of a manipulator equipment used in the forest complex.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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