Regional ranking of the basic density of the stem wood in deciduous tree species of Eurasia


Usoltsev Vladimir12ORCID,Plyuha Nikolay3ORCID,Tsepordey Ivan2ORCID


1. FGBOU VO «Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet»

2. FGBUN «Botanicheskiy sad Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk» (BS UrO RAN)

3. FSBU Ural Forestry Engineering University


The basic density (BD) of wood, as the ratio of dry mass to its volume, is widely used to assess the quality of wood in various fields of application. In the literature, the BD of wood and bark are analyzed separately, however, in modern taxation standards, stem volumes are given together with bark. If it is necessary to calculate the biomass of stems above bark according to the available volume data, then it is impossible to obtain the desired result with sufficient accuracy, since the ratio of wood and bark is unknown. Currently, there are no studies of BD stems above bark for various tree species of Eurasia. The purpose of this work was to analyze the regional characteristics of the BD of stems above bark of deciduous tree species of Eurasia. Based on the materials of the author's database on the forest biomass, a sample of 2,340 sample plots with taxation characteristics of 6 deciduous tree genera as aggregates of species within Eurasia as well as 2 single species was formed. Models for estimating the BD of stems above bark are calculated, including numerical independent variables in the form of age and density of the stand and a block of dunny variables encoding the regional affiliation of the source data within the genus (species). For the average values of age and density, the ranking of genera and species by BD value is performed. Since there are no initial data for many regions, the ranking of Eurasian species by average BD indicators is performed. The ranking series begins with Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus rubra L. (652 and 641 kg/m3) and ends with Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A.Gray ex Hook. and Populus davidiana (Dode) Hultén (329 and 299 kg/m3). The obtained models and ranking of species by the value of the BD of stems above bark can be used to calculate the carbon pool in deciduous stands of Eurasia according to forest inventory data.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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