
Ternovskaya Ol'ga12,Platonov Aleksey3



2. Voenno-vozdushnaya akademiya imeni professora N.E. Zhukovskogo i Yu.A. Gagarina

3. FGBOU VO «Rostovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet putey soobscheniya»


Work on the collection and raking of chopped residues in the territories of linear infrastructure facilities is often carried out by specialized equipment in-stalled on tractors or multifunctional machines and called «Forest rakes», moreover, the specified equipment can be classified according to a number of characteristics. Taking into account the significant influence of the subjective component identified by the author, which has an impact on the direct assignment of classified forest rakes to one or another element of the corresponding classification series, the purpose of the study was to develop a mathematical model for the classification of technical means for collecting and raking up chopped residues. The author substantiated the initial boundary conditions and presented a mathematical model for the formation of a visualized volume of distribution of the main design parameters of a forest rake, the values of the criterion of the density of the distribution of teeth of the means of mechanization of removal of cut residues, as well as the criterion of the specific width of these technical means, examples of the classification distribution of forest rake models according to the specified criteria are given, the assumptions and explanations for the considered mathematical model are stated, which makes it possible to carry out an objective classification of the means of mechanization of collection and raking of chopped residues, formulated conclusions based on the results of the study conducted by the authors


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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