
Debkov Nikita1


1. «Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS»,


Voluntary forest certification is a widespread mechanism of a market economy aimed at balancing economic, environmental and social interests. The article provides a methodology for identifying representative areas of forest ecosystems when forming a network of protected areas that form the ecological framework of the leased area. As an example, we took a logging company that leases two forest plots in Chebulinsky forestry of the Kemerovo region with different characteristics of the forest fund and the history of forest use. Based on the basic requirements of the current FSC forest management standard, a methodology for identifying representative sites has been developed. As a result of its application, it was found that in the area with more intensive forest management, 41% of the forest types present in the entire forestry area are found, despite its smaller area (3837 hectares). It is 21% on a larger, but less transformed and fragmented plot (5224 ha). It was revealed that the share of the frequent forest types (with the occurrence above 1%), which is 18%, is common for both leased plots. The area of representative plots is also approximately the same - 4.16 and 3.79%, respectively. It is noteworthy that frequent types of forests are already present in sufficient quantities in the network of protective forests and especially protective areas in production forests. But rare forest types, as a rule, are slightly represented in them. It enables us to conclude that it is important to form a network of representative sites in forest certification. It has been established that both coniferous and deciduous stands fall into rare forest ecosystems. The average area under allotment in the older cultivated leased plot is 8.8 hectares (with a variation from 0.8 to 55.0 hectares), and in less cultivated - 13.3 hectares (with a variation from 1.8 to 28.7 hectares), which is quite logical. However, in the first leased area, only 9%, and in the second - 6% of representative areas have an area of over 20 ha, which is accepted as a threshold in several countries


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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