Analysis of design features of chipper drive for chopping energy wood raw materials


Fokin Sergey1,Medvedeva Polina1,Popikov Viktor2


1. N.I. Vavilov Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering

2. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


One of the main directions of development of the forest and woodworking industry in this context is the use of the method of processing waste and low-quality wood into technological chips. This method allows to optimize the use ofbusiness wood resources, preserves forest areas, reduces the cost of reforestation and timber harvesting, and increases the share of timber yield from forest areas by 20-25%. "Green energy" undoubtedly has its costs, but is attractive for a number of other factors, for example, as a means for the state to take a conscious approach to its natural resources and environmental situation. Plant and woody biomass-based energy continues to gain popularity in many countries around the world, becoming a self-sustaining and competitive alternative to fossil fuels. Plantation forestry can become a breakthrough direction in ensuring the country's energy security on the basis of renewable energy sources. Fast growing plants such as poplar, willow and aspen are used to create energy forests. In the process of processing plantation forest products into wood chips, a wide range of chippers are used, which play an important role in the final product. They differ in terms of the type of cutting mechanism, mobility as well as the type of drive. At the same time, drive devices are the main element in the design of this equipment and have a significant impact on the choice of power plant and the parameters of the technological process of chopping raw materials. However, the issue of classification of chopping machines by type of drive has received insufficient development in the scientific literature. Therefore, in this paper the authors analyzed the types of drives of chopping equipment for wood raw materials, which can be the basis for creating the concept of a constructive scheme of new chopping equipment, characterized by high reliability of operation and safety of work production when chopping the products of energy forests into fuel chips.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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