
Podrubalov Maksim1,Klubnichkin Evgeniy1,Bukhtoyarov Leonid2


1. Moscow State Forest University

2. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


This work evaluates the tests of a 2 class tractor (integrated packaging LTZ -155) with front, rear, and combined aggregation, with the possibility of combining operations in the cultivation of row crops and forest plantations by using combined aggregates with forestry and agricultural vehicles with front and rear hinges. An assessment of the performance and efficiency of using such units with their vibration loading has been shown. During experimental studies of the tractor with different mounting methods (rear, front, both front and rear) of a cultivator weighing 2200 kg, horizontal and vertical components of traction resistance, as well as torques on the driving wheels of the tractor, were obtained by tensometric measurements. The work of the tractor took place at a specially prepared landfill for reforestation, to a depth of 4 and 8 cm, respectively, for the rear and front cultivators. The developed tensometric framework was used to analyze the resulting traction resistance. Field tests showed that the dynamics of the processes of power parameters for a unit with front and rear cultivators was significantly lower than with only front or rear cultivators. The absolute value exceeded 2 tons, i.e. traction class of the tractor. The applied spectral correlation analysis showed that these processes had low-frequency spectra (up to 1 Hz). They were “white” noise relative to each other. This, in mathematical modeling, simplifies the formation of the structures of the "impact" and "machine" subsystems


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


General Medicine

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