
Belik Anton1,Gorbunova Yuliya12,Devyatova Tatyana1,Alaeva Liliya1


1. Voronezh State University

2. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitete


In modern conditions, an important component of environmental monitoring is record of the ecological state of soil cover, implying active use of geographic information systems. The existing spatial contrast of soil cover and varia-tion in the indicators of soil ecological state greatly complicates the interpretation and implementation of the results of soil-ecological monitoring into environmental practice. Traditional studies of spatial diversity considering soil properties and using geoinformation technology are of applied nature and primarily associated with the introduction of precision farming technologies into practice. GIS technologies are aimed at inventorying and assessing the state of natural resources of a particular territory, taking into account the peculiarities of their spatial dynamics. However, the use of geographic information systems to study the spatial variation of soil ecological indicators in forest ecosystems is also very relevant. These studies allow not only trace the actual changes in the ecological state of the forest soil cover, but also reveal their dependence on the level of anthropogenic load of ecosystems and carry out modeling and forecasting of the forest ecosystems' state. The article discusses the main regularities of the spatial variation of physicochemical and chemical properties of soils depending on the relief variegation . Different dispersion degrees of indicators of physical, chemical and chemical properties of soils, according to the calculated coefficient of variation have been revealed. The greatest range of variation is typical for litter and sod thickness, humus content and exchangeable potassium. (V > 33%).


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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