
Treschevskaya Ella1,Golyadkina Inna1,Treschevskaya Svetlana1,Knyazev Vladislav2,Kushnir Elizaveta31


1. FSBE Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


3. Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Forestry


In all regions of our country and abroad, where the extraction of minerals is carried out in an open way, technogenic landscapes arise. They cause great harm to the environment. One of the cheapest areas of restoration of disturbed landscapes is forest reclamation. To improve the forest-growing conditions of overburden rocks on the dumps form technozems. A two-component technozem was formed on the Beryozovy log sand of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly on the sand-chalky dump after land surveying. At the initial stage of reclamation, balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.) was recommended among several dozen of tree and shrub species to restore disturbed lands as a fast-growing tree species. In the first eight years, poplar showed fairly good preservation - 89.4-80.0%. It is known that it is necessary to create highly productive phytocenoses for the successful restoration of disturbed lands. The amount of organic matter synthesized by balsamic poplar is 2 times less compared to such soil-improving species as Robinia Pseudoacacia L. and Hippophae rhamnoides L. In addition, balsam poplar is characterized by a small phytomass of leaves - 3.5 c/ha at the age of 9, which is more than 5 times less than in the previously studied soil-improving species. In this regard, the reclamation role of leaves in poplar stands can be considered insignificant. The content of chemical elements in leaves and small roots of poplar, which have a direct effect on the accumulation of substances in substrates, is 1.5-1.3 times less than that of robinia and sea buckthorn. Balsam poplar (in the conditions of disturbed lands) does not form long-term stable stands. By the age of 35, its safety is 15.4%, and by the age of 42 years - 11.0%. Based on the study of balsam poplar plantings under the age of 42 years, this species cannot be recommended for forest reclamation of dumps in technogenic landscapes


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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