
Bryndina Larisa1,Korchagina Anna2


1. Voronezh state forest engineering University Named after G. Morozov

2. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet imeni G.F. Morozova»


Wastewater from agro-industrial complexes is rich in organic components. Biological method is considered to be the most universal for their purification. It provides a high rate of biodegradation of pollution. But due to the high concentration of incoming pollutants, activated sludge microbiome can reduce its cleaning ability. High aeration rate is required for the effective decomposition of such compounds, since aerobic microorganisms predominate in the activated sludge. Under real conditions, the time for the oxidation of these substances by microbial communities is often insufficient. This imbalance between incoming organic matter and oxidized activated sludge microbiota leads to the growth of filamentous bacteria, which is one of the reasons of activated sludge swelling. The influence of high concentrations of pollutants in wastewater on a consortium of microorganisms of activated sludge was investigated to eliminate this negative factor. Physical and chemical composition of the wastewater was carried out according to standard methods. The composition of the activated sludge bacteriocenosis and pig intestine microbiome were determined by standard methods of inoculation in liquid and solid nutrient media. A correlation between the decrease in the concentration of pollutants and regeneration of activated sludge biocenosis has been established. A 59.8% decrease in the overall level of COD contamination of source effluents led to an increase in the number of flocculating microorganisms by 41.7%. Deep destruction of amine nitrogen (99%) and phosphorus (71.4%) was observed due to the activation of heterotrophic microorganisms.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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