
Kramareva Tat'yana1,Gorbunova Nadezhda2,Kulikova Elena3


1. FGBOU VO «Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet imeni G.F. Morozova»

2. Voronezh State University

3. Voronezh State Agricultural University after Emperor Peter the Great


The use of field-protective forest plantations in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the Central Black Earth region is an effective reclamation technique. Forest belts reduce wind speed, reduce the harmful effects of dry winds. An important feature of forest belts is the accumulation and uniform distribution of snow in the fields. This leads to an improvement in the water balance, and at the same time to the transformation of soils. According to the data obtained, a significant reliable change in chernozems under the influence of forest belts in the conditions of the Kamennaya Steppe was revealed. There was a change in morphological characteristics, humus content, pH of the soil solution in chernozems under forest vegetation. This transformation entailed a change in the total content of HMs and their exchange compounds. There are changes in the profile redistribution of the studied HMs under tree crops. Correlation analysis revealed a close relationship in the distribution of pH, humus, total content, and exchangeable HM compounds. Variational analysis of the spatial heterogeneity of the data obtained showed significant differences in the studied indicators between arable land and forest belt. There is a natural decrease in the coefficient of variation from the forest belt to arable land. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that (in the process of plowing) mixing of the soil mass and leveling of spatial differences in the content of humus, pH, as well as the gross content and exchange compounds of HMs takes place. In the forest belt, soil conditions are determined by the vegetation, which makes the difference


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


General Medicine

Reference14 articles.

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