1. Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy lesotehnicheskiy universitet imeni S.M. Kirova
2. Petrozavodsk State University
The productivity of plants is determined by the efficiency of the assimilation apparatus, which depends on the mode of light and soil conditions. It is especially important to take this into account on the site of former forest lands after fires. The study of the productivity of the burning area after the fire was carried out on the site of rocky pine forests, 14 years after the fire. The study area is 5.3 hectares. The condition of living ground cover (21 species), and undergrowth of the main forest-forming species was studied. The maximum light at the research object, there was a forest fire in 2006, at noon is 23 thousand lux, and under the canopy – 44% less. Soil cover on rock outcrops in the formation stage. The variability of biometric characteristics of needles is shown on the example of young generation of pine. It was found that the length of the needles and the weight depend on the height of the young generation of pine. The dependence on the age of the young generation of pine is less pronounced. The length of the needles is 12-54 mm, the weight of the 100 needles is 0.17-1.43 g. An important factor determining the biometric characteristics of needles is light. In addition, the alternation of micro-depressions, exposed rock outcrops, cracks and protrusions determine the growing conditions, which also determine the success of the formation of a green mass of pine undergrowth
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov
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