The unused garbage which is accumulating the landfills, such as raw materials, could be reused for synthetic gasoline production. This study presents the multiple’s effect technique, which is based on the reusage of different non, party and sorted municipal solid wastes (MSW), or biogas for syngas, converted into synthetic gasoline. The novelties of this technique include a basic multiple’s effect parameter (MUW), which present a level of waste sorting, an effect of oxygen inhibition into different wastes, a simplified mathematical model and simulation with an Aspen Plus® simulator using the retrofitted methanol plan converted into the synthetic gasoline production. This technique includes a circular economy by using a circulated purified flue gas as raw material, co-products of hydrogen and water. This technique was tested on an existing methanol process, replacing natural gas with different alternatives of wastes or biogas for the synthetic gasoline production. The best alternative was the sorted MSW, which could generate an additional profit of 4.8 MEUR/a, including the garbage and CO2 emission reductions of 0.106·106 t/a and of 0.084 ·106 t/a.
Slovenian Chemical Society