Baseline Features and Reasons for Nonparticipation in the Colonoscopy Versus Fecal Immunochemical Test in Reducing Mortality From Colorectal Cancer (CONFIRM) Study, a Colorectal Cancer Screening Trial


Robertson Douglas J.12,Dominitz Jason A.34,Beed Alexander5,Boardman Kathy D.6,Del Curto Barbara J.6,Guarino Peter D.7,Imperiale Thomas F.8,LaCasse Andrew1,Larson Meaghan F.3,Gupta Samir9,Lieberman David10,Planeta Beata5,Shaukat Aasma11,Sultan Shanaz12,Menees Stacy B.1314,Saini Sameer D.151617,Schoenfeld Philip18,Goebel Stephan1920,von Rosenvinge Erik C.2122,Baffy Gyorgy23,Halasz Ildiko2324,Pedrosa Marcos C.2325,Kahng Lyn Sue26,Cassim Riaz2728,Greer Katarina B.2930,Kinnard Margaret F.2931,Bhatt Divya B.32,Dunbar Kerry B.33,Harford William V.32,Mengshol John A.34,Olson Jed E.35,Patel Swati G.36,Antaki Fadi37,Fisher Deborah A.38,Sullivan Brian A.3940,Lenza Christopher41,Prajapati Devang N.42,Wong Helen42,Beyth Rebecca43,Lieb John G.4445,Manlolo Joseph46,Ona Fernando V.47,Cole Rhonda A.48,Khalaf Natalia4950,Kahi Charles J.51,Kohli Divyanshoo Rai5253,Rai Tarun54,Sharma Prateek5556,Anastasiou Jiannis57,Hagedorn Curt58,Fernando Ronald S.5960,Jackson Christian S.5960,Jamal M. Mazen6061,Lee Robert H.6263,Merchant Farrukh64,May Folasade P.6566,Pisegna Joseph R.6768,Omer Endashaw6970,Parajuli Dipendra7071,Said Adnan7273,Nguyen Toan D.7475,Tombazzi Claudio Ruben7476,Feldman Paul A.77,Jacob Leslie77,Koppelman Rachel N.77,Lehenbauer Kyle P.78,Desai Deepak S.79,Madhoun Mohammad F.8081,Tierney William M.80,Ho Minh Q.82,Hockman Heather J.45,Lopez Christopher83,Carter Paulson Emily8485,Tobi Martin86,Pinillos Hugo L.8788,Young Michele41,Ho Nancy C.10,Mascarenhas Ranjan8990,Promrat Kirrichai9192,Mutha Pritesh R.93,Pandak William M.9495,Shah Tilak96,Schubert Mitchell9597,Pancotto Frank S.9899,Gawron Andrew J.100101,Underwood Amelia E.100,Ho Samuel B.102,Magno-Pagatzaurtundua Priscilla103,Toro Doris H.103,Beymer Charles H.1044,Kaz Andrew M.4105,Elwing Jill106107,Gill Jeffrey A.108109,Goldsmith Susan F.108,Yao Michael D.110111,Protiva Petr112113,Pohl Heiko12,Kyriakides Tassos5,Kleiner Elaine114,Sullivan Kathy114,O'Leary John114,Chiu Wai (Susannah)114,Huang Hairong114,Russo John114,Johnson Gary114,Antonelli Peg114,Burns Amy114,Peduzzi Peter114,Ciarleglio Maria114,O'Connor Theresa114,Wallace Robert114,Williams Alicia114,Tommessilli Lynn114,Taylor Sakasha114,Pitts Sarah114,Mancini Lesley W.114,O'Brien Peggy114,O'Neil Susan114,Perry Mavis114,McBride Vanessa114,Carr Wanda114,Joncas Carmelene114,O'Donnell Elizabeth114,Sather Mike114,Warren Stuart114,Conner Todd114,Honstein Ernestine114,Sutton Theresa114,Putnam Tracey114,Branham Kevin114,Argyres Dean114,Peterson Dianne114,Kennedy April114,Carrick Toni114,Apodaca Carlos114,Eden Gary114,Martinez Talaya114,Tripp Cindy114,Nicholson Michelle114,Schwartz Amy114,Felix Monique114,Ward Angela114,Marquez Leanne114,Lovato Karsondra114,Cochran Neil114,Tapia Steve114,VanRaden Melissa114,Badgett Carol114,Taylor Zach114,Pontzer Jimmy114,Dorman Bert114,Chavez Michael114,Georg Sharon114,Templton Terri114,Calais Lawrence114,Haakensen Claire114,Curtis Barbara114,Prehoda Michelle114,Colling Cindy114,Older Dave114,Apodaca Gloria114,Sova Julia114,Klee Magnolia C.114,Wolfram-Aduan Antigone114,Ulatowski Michael J.114,Hamilton Brittney L.114,Bopp (Formerly England) Kayla M.114,Ford Gashia M.114,Lace Ngaio E.114,McDonnell William A.114,Piehl Gina C.114,Patel-Ejarque Nazleen114,Berry Maegan114,Strubeck Eric A.114,Chesnut Leigh114,Burridge Laurie J.114,Bean Jennifer R.114,Kowal Lynda M.114,Voorhees (Formerly Rose) Amy V.114,Ridley Amy114,Croteau Heike B.114,Bessett Kate A.114,Fletcher Carol114,Barbaresso Michelle114,Drummond Alysia114,Belanger Karen114,McRobert Erin114,Myers Aimee114,Trumble Erika114,Rose Patricia114,Biswas Anita114,Enache Eric114,Shankin Matthew114,Strunk Danielle114,Simpson Andrew114,Harrison Melanie114,Prasad Meena114,Robinson Pauline114,Flores Alegandro114,Jananeh Sara114,Tanukonda Sridhar114,Ahmadi-Izadi Ghazal114,Madihi Shahrzad114,Raufman Jean-Pierre114,Grady Deborah114,Britton Angela114,Goldstein Carly114,Thomas Michelle114,Lee Veronica114,Belizaire Myrdell114,Costa Caroline114,Davis Samuel114,Decker Makaila114,Marrama Ashley114,Gilroy-Fanaras Dorothy114,Gass Jesse114,Reece Scott114,Tobin Desiree114,Carroll Robert114,Ferreira Maria114,Irvin Dawn114,Morken Victoria114,Covelli Michael114,Medina Teodoro114,Schiebel Frank114,Shreves Anna114,Shriver Donald114,Frederick Yvonne114,Postle (formerly Matheny) Candice114,Shaw Jessica114,Pastor Dorothy114,Armstrong Anna114,Kumaran Vinay114,Pinto April Jessica114,Marshall Vanessa114,McLarty Stacye114,Carlton James114,Murphy Kenneth114,McLemore Kourtney114,Mortensen Eric114,LePage James114,Willis Cyenthia114,Berman Kenneth114,Dunn Theresa114,Espinoza Jeannine114,Schleski Eugenia (Jean)114,Shrader Stephanie114,Gropp Kevin114,Kanaan Ziad114,Miller Lawrence114,Anees Mohammad114,Judd Stephanie114,Berchou Vicki114,Balogh Deann114,Jones Elizabeth114,Covert Kathleen 'Kelly'114,Davis Yolanda114,Marbury Cynthia114,Rambus MaryAnn114,Olgren Erin114,Gellad Ziad114,Sullivan Brian114,Day Teresa114,Teehan Sima114,Peters Laura114,Hernandez-Chavez Raquel114,Murphy Eva114,Cherry Judy (Christine)114,Graham Edwin114,Johnson Judith114,Wooten William114,Trujillo Jesus114,Harris Maurice114,Alizadeh Mary114,Lo Margaret114,Sultan Shannaz114,Brown Leslie114,Koster Lauren114,LeLaurin Jennifer114,Irwin Anne114,Kay Nicole114,Mckillip Sean114,Lowe Mark114,Yeralan Seyhun114,Leehey David114,McBurney Conor114,Jain Amod114,Park Thomas114,Broadwater Latonia114,El-Serag Hashem114,Shaib Yassir114,Taylor Eric114,Nair Paayal114,Broussard Emily114,Gibson Erica114,Hawkins Rollin114,Natividad Tammy114,Courtade Daisy114,Palmer Mayuri (Ezzie)114,Martinez Stephanie114,Panagiotis Kougias114,Morrow Curlie114,Ballard Carrie114,Barker Barry114,Garner Mikayla114,McCalley Stephanie114,Schwartzkopf Ashley114,Wright Anita114,Titi Mohammad114,Higbee April114,Pratiksha Singh114,Jones April114,Shipe Tracey114,McKee Jason114,Vennalaganti Raghuram114,Terrey Kira114,Maruf Lubna114,Brown Daniel114,Crouse Elaine114,Marchant-Miros Kathy114,Ussery Betty114,Ducker Loretta114,Estell Jennifer114,Porchia Sylvia114,Kim Mi Ye114,Kim Christina114,Chan Bobby114,Hayton Amy114,Christiansen Harini114,Peterson Myra114,Ding Guizhi (Grace)114,Simpson Vicki114,Read Sonia114,Mamani Gabriela114,Salazar Jordan114,Kato Joann114,Bowie Michael114,Carnevale Ryan114,Halim Mark114,Sahagian Anita114,Ibarra Allison114,Travis Zachary114,Garcia Julia114,Gill Abneet114,Starzyk John114,Sumarli Samantha114,Johnson Valanteena114,Peresuh Simbiso114,Quimby Traci114,Cordova Rick114,Herold Lauren114,Hawley Angela114,Goo Tyralee114,Kidao Jayashri114,Lee Robert114,Freidel Collin114,Gutierrez Evelyn114,Noorisharghi Negar114,Ivie Gabrielle Evanne-Mignon114,Jawish Tamara114,Partin Steven114,Yoo Grace114,Fabilane Charina114,Noori Nikoo114,Lang Elizabeth114,Senen Shazie114,Partin Stephen114,Fathi Moe114,Chauvin Rachel114,Feiger Jeremy114,Reataza Marielle114,Morgan Timothy114,Asghar Aliya114,Jacobs Jonathan114,Kashefi Mehran114,May Folasade114,Ohning Gordon114,Padua David114,Smutko Victoria114,Oh David114,Kosoyan Hovsep114,Dreskin Benjamin114,Luu Kayti114,Alas Alexander114,Bharath Purnima114,Dixit Vivek114,Sanford** Daniel114,Vu John114,Kadi Samar114,Nwajuaku Tracy114,Smith June114,Kincaid Jenevieve114,Mir Mohammed114,Lanceta Joel114,Rice John114,Agarwal Parul114,Augustine Alexia114,Prickel Helene114,Vue Jenny114,Guerrero Kevin114,Levenson Stewart114,Aguilera-Fish Andres114,Chestnut Leigh114,Jobse Bruce114,Lombardo Cathy114,Silver Trudi114,Ahmed Nazneen114,Bockhold Kathleen114,Koppelman Rachel114,Carneiro Flavia Rosa114,Garcia-Morales Rolando114,Spector Daniel114,Gomez Jose114,Lehenbauer Kyle114,Reinink Andrew114,Anway Ruth114,Evans-Lindquist Mary114,Eggers Thomasine114,Green Michele114,Pretti Alex114,Meyeraan Tacy114,Condon Debra114,Cavanagh Mary114,DeFalco Colleen M.114,Cutting Jacqueline114,Joseph Kurt114,Dean Stephanie114,Mitchell Stephanie114,Phillips Vickie114,Krueger Chelsey114,Zink Donna114,Goldberg Kenneth114,Patel Nitin114,Martinez Gonzalez Maria114,Davis-Underwood Heather114,O'Sullivan Andrea114,Suppes Trisha114,Bratcher Karen114,Stern David114,Wu Richard114,Damisa Jibreel114,Warsi Rahma114,Nguyen Tam114,Pinillos Hugo114,Flowers Erin114,Kuramoto Angela114,Thurmond Charles114,Orozco Lisa114,Farrell Gail114,Jaynes Rodney114,Saenz Perfecto114,Perez Cassandra114,Collins Judith114,Lin Emery114,Onstad Laura114,Pitts Alexandra114,Osborn Kevin114,Kenworthy-Heinige Tawni114,Casey Andrew114,Gold Deanna114,Olivo Cosette114,Joos Sandra114,Subramanian Sandhya114,Forro Vanessa114,Cannady Allina114,Usih Joy114,Raitt Merritt114,Flynn Maura114,Shittu Yetunde114,Jawaid Muhammad114,Anderson Rebecca114,Poole Deanna114,Butler Celia114,Snead Leanne114,Christine Hayden114,Swanson Gina114,Heumann Douglas114,Pandak William114,Spataro Joseph114,Bajaj Jasmohan114,Solomon Cynthia114,Smith Gilles HoChong114,Zafass Alvin114,Tilak Shan114,Fuchs Michael114,Davis Margaret114,Blackman Lou114,Lemler Jennifer114,Munsey Rachel114,Deebo Jeanette114,McCarthy Jane114,Noel Megan114,Hurley Robin114,Zurowski Wayner114,Sharpe Angela114,Wilson Krystina114,Peets Risa114,Lorenso Benjamin114,Burrison Stephanie114,Johnson Dorothea114,Angelovic Aaron114,Erickson Nathan114,Hanson Heather114,Bailey Travis114,Genung Kim114,Dulin Heather114,Neuharth Renee114,Clegg Daniel114,Velarde Kandi114,Dever John114,Murphy Mary114,Beck Danielle114,Wasil Michelene114,Vazquez Jason114,O'Neil Ellen114,Ganji Gelareh114,Ducom Julie114,Lee Maria114,Hovespians Rita114,Margolis Jessie114,Simmons Brittni114,Sweeney (formerly St. Martin) Jennifer114,Henry Robert114,Martin-Ortiz Jose114,Santiago-Rivera Loscar114,Gonzalez - Aviles Gladys114,Pedrosa Carmen114,Bird-Caceres Juan114,Padilla Brunilda114,Baez-Corujo Fernando114,Martinez- Ortiz Yaiza114,Vazquez Ekie114,Grigg-Gutierrez Nicole114,Laboy-Olivieri Carlos114,Urbina-Velez Rafael114,Andrews Sarah114,Rosa-Cruz Sheryl114,Tirado-Montijo Rafael114,Otero-Aponte Kayssa114,Martinez-Martino Michelle114,Freire Arnaldo114,Soto-Ramos Antonio114,Santana-Perez Margarita114,Araujo James114,Vanderwarker Christopher114,Alexander Jeremiah114,Nevins Elaine114,LaGuire Julie114,Guerrero Linda114,Piehl Gina114,Jenkins Meredith114,Chen Teresa114,Jang Jessica114,Tanus Adrienne114,McKelvy Patricia114,Sayuk Gregory114,Chandiramani Pooja114,Vargo (Formerly Shoults) Lindsey114,Vargo Kristin114,Lawrence Sara114,Blythe Kelly114,Goldsmith Susan114,Campbell Robert114,Craddock Mary Agnes114,Amodeo Donald114,Reinhard Rebecca114,Durant Brittany114,Wells Breanna114,Zoble Adam114,Papademetriou Marianna114,Roche Nada114,Adler Priscilla114,Krishna Asha114,Glaze Delmonica114,Wijegunawardana Dinuka114,Yeroushalmi Samuel114,Laine Loren114,Mautner Raeleen114,Bugaj Julie114,Anderson Joseph114,Croteau Heike114,Kingman Linda114,Burridge Laurie114,


1. VA Medical Center, White River Junction, Vermont

2. Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, New Hampshire

3. VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, Washington

4. University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle

5. Cooperative Studies Program Coordinating Center, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, Connecticut

6. Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program Clinical Research Pharmacy Coordinating Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico

7. Statistical Center of HIV/AIDS Research and Prevention, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington

8. Center for Innovation, Health Services Research and Development, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center and Department of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis

9. Section of Gastroenterology, VA San Diego, and Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego

10. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Portland VA Medical Center, and Oregon Health and Science University, Portland

11. New York Harbor VA Healthcare System and New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York

12. Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis VA Healthcare System, Minneapolis

13. Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Ann Arbor VA Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan

14. Division of Gastroenterology, Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor

15. US Department of Veteran Affairs Health Services Research and Development Center for Clinical Management Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan

16. Division of Gastroenterology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

17. Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

18. John D. Dingell VA Medical Center, Atlanta, Georgia

19. Atlanta VA Medical Center, Decatur, Georgia

20. Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

21. VA Maryland Health Care System, Baltimore

22. University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore

23. Department of Medicine, VA Boston Healthcare System, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

24. Primary Care, West Roxbury, Massachusetts

25. Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

26. Gastroenterology Section, Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, and University of Illinois at Chicago

27. Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center, Clarksburg, West Virginia

28. Department of Surgery, West Virginia University, Morgantown

29. Department of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio

30. Louis Stokes VA Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio

31. VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System, Cleveland

32. VA North Texas Health Care Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas

33. VA North Texas Healthcare System, University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas

34. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver

35. Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center, Aurora

36. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center, Aurora

37. John D. Dingell VA Medical Center and Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan

38. Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina

39. Division of Gastroenterology, Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina

40. Division of Gastroenterology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina

41. New Jersey VA Healthcare System, East Orange

42. VA Central California Health Care System, University of California, San Francisco, Fresn

43. Department of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville

44. Division of Gastroenterology, University of Florida, Gainesville

45. Malcolm Randall VA Medical Center, Gainesville, Florida

46. VA Pacific Islands Health Care System, Honolulu, Hawaii

47. University of Hawaii School of Medicine, Honolulu

48. Department of Gastroenterology, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, Texas

49. Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness, and Safety, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, Texas

50. Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

51. Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis

52. Kansas City VA Medical Center, Kansas City, Missouri

53. Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, Spokane, Washington

54. Borland Groover Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida

55. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City

56. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kansas City VA Medical Center, Kansas City, Missouri

57. Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Division, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock

58. Gastroenterology Division, New Mexico Veterans Healthcare System, and Department of Medicine, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque

59. VA Loma Linda Healthcare System, Loma Linda, California

60. Department of Medicine, University of California, Riverside

61. Oceana Gastroenterology Associates, Corona, California

62. VA Long Beach Health Care System, Long Beach, California

63. University of California, Irvine

64. V22 Clinical Resource Hub, Long Beach, California

65. Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare System, Los Angeles, California

66. David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California

67. Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Parenteral Nutrition, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, California

68. Departments of Medicine and Human Genetics, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California

69. University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky

70. Robley Rex VA Medical Center, Louisville, Kentucky

71. Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky

72. William S. Middleton VA Medical Center, Madison, Wisconsin

73. Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison

74. Memphis VA Medical Center, Memphis, Tennessee

75. University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis

76. University of Tennessee, Memphis

77. Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center, Miami, Florida

78. Minneapolis VA Healthcare System, Minneapolis, Minnesota

79. Northport VA Medical Center, State University of New York Stony Brook, Northport

80. Oklahoma City VA Medical Center, Oklahoma City

81. Section of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, Department of Medicine, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City

82. Department of Infectious Disease, Orlando VA Healthcare System, University of Central Florida, Orlando

83. Orlando VA Healthcare System, Orlando, Florida

84. VA Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

85. University of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

86. Department of Research and Development, John D. Dingell VA Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan

87. Phoenix VA Healthcare System, Phoenix, Arizona

88. University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix

89. Central Texas Veterans Health Care System, Austin Outpatient Clinic, Austin, Texas

90. Department of Medicine, Dell Medical School, The University of Texas at Austin

91. Providence VA Medical Center, Providence, Rhode Island

92. The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island

93. McGuire VA Medical Center, Richmond, Virginia; Now with The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston

94. Richmond VA Medical Center, Richmond, Virginia

95. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia

96. Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston

97. Central Virginia VA Healthcare System, Richmond

98. Salisbury VA Medical Center, Salisbury, North Carolina

99. Wake Forrest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

100. Salt Lake City VA Medical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah

101. University of Utah, Salt Lake City

102. VA Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, California

103. Section of Gastroenterology, VA Caribbean Healthcare System, San Juan, Puerto Rico

104. VA Puget Sound Healthcare System, Seattle, Washington

105. Gastroenterology Section, VA Puget Sound Healthcare System, Seattle, Washington

106. St Louis VA Medical Center, St Louis, Missouri

107. Division of Gastroenterology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri

108. James A. Haley VA Hospital, Tampa, Florida

109. University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa

110. Gastroenterology and Hepatology Section, VA Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia

111. George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, District of Columbia

112. VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, Connecticut

113. Department of Medicine (Digestive Diseases), Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut

114. for the CONFIRM Study Group


ImportanceThe Colonoscopy Versus Fecal Immunochemical Test in Reducing Mortality From Colorectal Cancer (CONFIRM) randomized clinical trial sought to recruit 50 000 adults into a study comparing colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality outcomes after randomization to either an annual fecal immunochemical test (FIT) or colonoscopy.ObjectiveTo (1) describe study participant characteristics and (2) examine who declined participation because of a preference for colonoscopy or stool testing (ie, fecal occult blood test [FOBT]/FIT) and assess that preference’s association with geographic and temporal factors.Design, Setting, and ParticipantsThis cross-sectional study within CONFIRM, which completed enrollment through 46 Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers between May 22, 2012, and December 1, 2017, with follow-up planned through 2028, comprised veterans aged 50 to 75 years with an average CRC risk and due for screening. Data were analyzed between March 7 and December 5, 2022.ExposureCase report forms were used to capture enrolled participant data and reasons for declining participation among otherwise eligible individuals.Main Outcomes and MeasuresDescriptive statistics were used to characterize the cohort overall and by intervention. Among individuals declining participation, logistic regression was used to compare preference for FOBT/FIT or colonoscopy by recruitment region and year.ResultsA total of 50 126 participants were recruited (mean [SD] age, 59.1 [6.9] years; 46 618 [93.0%] male and 3508 [7.0%] female). The cohort was racially and ethnically diverse, with 748 (1.5%) identifying as Asian, 12 021 (24.0%) as Black, 415 (0.8%) as Native American or Alaska Native, 34 629 (69.1%) as White, and 1877 (3.7%) as other race, including multiracial; and 5734 (11.4%) as having Hispanic ethnicity. Of the 11 109 eligible individuals who declined participation (18.0%), 4824 (43.4%) declined due to a stated preference for a specific screening test, with FOBT/FIT being the most preferred method (2820 [58.5%]) vs colonoscopy (1958 [40.6%]; P < .001) or other screening tests (46 [1.0%] P < .001). Preference for FOBT/FIT was strongest in the West (963 of 1472 [65.4%]) and modest elsewhere, ranging from 199 of 371 (53.6%) in the Northeast to 884 of 1543 (57.3%) in the Midwest (P = .001). Adjusting for region, the preference for FOBT/FIT increased by 19% per recruitment year (odds ratio, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.14-1.25).Conclusions and RelevanceIn this cross-sectional analysis of veterans choosing nonenrollment in the CONFIRM study, those who declined participation more often preferred FOBT or FIT over colonoscopy. This preference increased over time and was strongest in the western US and may provide insight into trends in CRC screening preferences.


American Medical Association (AMA)


General Medicine

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