Association Between Early Treatment With Tocilizumab and Mortality Among Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19


Gupta Shruti1,Wang Wei2,Hayek Salim S.3,Chan Lili4,Mathews Kusum S.56,Melamed Michal L.7,Brenner Samantha K.89,Leonberg-Yoo Amanda10,Schenck Edward J.11,Radbel Jared12,Reiser Jochen13,Bansal Anip14,Srivastava Anand15,Zhou Yan16,Finkel Diana17,Green Adam18,Mallappallil Mary19,Faugno Anthony J.20,Zhang Jingjing21,Velez Juan Carlos Q.2223,Shaefi Shahzad24,Parikh Chirag R.25,Charytan David M.26,Athavale Ambarish M.27,Friedman Allon N.28,Redfern Roberta E.29,Short Samuel A. P.30,Correa Simon1,Pokharel Kapil K.1,Admon Andrew J.31,Donnelly John P.3233,Gershengorn Hayley B.3435,Douin David J.36,Semler Matthew W.37,Hernán Miguel A.3839,Leaf David E.1,Walther Carl P.40,Anumudu Samaya J.40,Arunthamakun Justin40,Kopecky Kathleen F.40,Milligan Gregory P.40,McCullough Peter A.40,Nguyen Thuy-Duyen40,Shaefi Shahzad40,Krajewski Megan L.40,Shankar Sidharth40,Pannu Ameeka40,Valencia Juan D.40,Waikar Sushrut S.40,Kibbelaar Zoe A.40,Athavale Ambarish M.40,Hart Peter40,Upadhyay Shristi40,Vohra Ishaan40,Oyintayo Ajiboye40,Green Adam40,Rachoin Jean-Sebastien40,Schorr Christa A.40,Shea Lisa40,Edmonston Daniel L.40,Mosher Christopher L.40,Shehata Alexandre M.40,Cohen Zaza40,Allusson Valerie40,Bambrick-Santoyo Gabriela40,Bhatti Noor ul aain40,Mehta Bijal40,Williams Aquino40,Brenner Samantha K.40,Walters Patricia40,Go Ronaldo C.40,Rose Keith M.40,Hernán Miguel A.40,Lisk Rebecca40,Zhou Amy M.40,Kim Ethan C.40,Chan Lili40,Mathews Kusum S.40,Coca Steven G.40,Altman Deena R.40,Saha Aparna40,Soh Howard40,Wen Huei Hsun40,Bose Sonali40,Leven Emily A.40,Wang Jing G.40,Mosoyan Gohar40,Nadkarni Girish N.40,Pattharanitima Pattharawin40,Gallagher Emily J.40,Friedman Allon N.40,Guirguis John40,Kapoor Rajat40,Meshberger Christopher40,Kelly Katherine J.40,Parikh Chirag R.40,Garibaldi Brian T.40,Corona-Villalobos Celia P.40,Wen Yumeng40,Menez Steven40,Malik Rubab F.40,Cervantes Carmen Elena40,Gautam Samir C.40,Mallappallil Mary C.40,Ouyang Jie40,John Sabu40,Yap Ernie40,Melaku Yohannes40,Mohamed Ibrahim40,Bajracharya Siddhartha40,Puri Isha40,Thaxton Mariah40,Bhattacharya Jyotsna40,Wagner John40,Boudourakis Leon40,Nguyen H. Bryant40,Ahoubim Afshin40,Kashani Kianoush40,Tehranian Shahrzad40,Thomas Leslie F.40,Sirganagari Dheeraj Reddy40,Guru Pramod K.40,Zhou Yan40,Bergl Paul A.40,Rodriguez Jesus40,Shah Jatan A.40,Gupta Mrigank S.40,Kumar Princy N.40,Lazarous Deepa G.40,Kassaye Seble G.40,Melamed Michal L.40,Johns Tanya S.40,Mocerino Ryan40,Prudhvi Kalyan40,Zhu Denzel40,Levy Rebecca V.40,Azzi Yorg40,Fisher Molly40,Yunes Milagros40,Sedaliu Kaltrina40,Golestaneh Ladan40,Brogan Maureen40,Kumar Neelja40,Chang Michael40,Thakkar Jyotsana40,Raichoudhury Ritesh40,Athreya Akshay40,Farag Mohamed40,Schenck Edward J.40,Cho Soo Jung40,Plataki Maria40,Alvarez-Mulett Sergio L.40,Gomez-Escobar Luis G.40,Pan Di40,Lee Stefi40,Krishnan Jamuna40,Whalen William40,Charytan David40,Macina Ashley40,Chaudhry Sobaata40,Wu Benjamin40,Modersitzki Frank40,Srivastava Anand40,Leidner Alexander S.40,Martinez Carlos40,Kruser Jacqueline M.40,Wunderink Richard G.40,Hodakowski Alexander J.40,Velez Juan Carlos Q.40,Price-Haywood Eboni G.40,Matute-Trochez Luis A.40,Hasty Anna E.40,Mohamed Muner MB.40,Avasare Rupali S.40,Zonies David40,Leaf David E.40,Gupta Shruti40,Sise Meghan E.40,Newman Erik T.40,Omar Samah Abu40,Pokharel Kapil K.40,Sharma Shreyak40,Singh Harkarandeep40,Correa Simon40,Shaukat Tanveer40,Kamal Omer40,Wang Wei40,Yang Heather40,Boateng Jeffery O.40,Lee Meghan40,Strohbehn Ian A.40,Li Jiahua40,Mueller Ariel L.40,Redfern Roberta E.40,Cairl Nicholas S.40,Naimy Gabriel40,Abu-Saif Abeer40,Hall Danyell40,Bickley Laura40,Rowan Chris40,Madhani-Lovely Farah40,Peev Vasil40,Reiser Jochen40,Byun John J.40,Vissing Andrew40,Kapania Esha M.40,Post Zoe40,Patel Nilam P.40,Hermes Joy-Marie40,Sutherland Anne K.40,Patrawalla Amee40,Finkel Diana G.40,Danek Barbara A.40,Arikapudi Sowminya40,Paer Jeffrey M.40,Cangialosi Peter40,Liotta Mark40,Radbel Jared40,Puri Sonika40,Sunderram Jag40,Scharf Matthew T.40,Ahmed Ayesha40,Berim Ilya40,Vatson Jayanth S.40,Anand Shuchi40,Levitt Joseph E.40,Garcia Pablo40,Boyle Suzanne M.40,Song Rui40,Arif Ali40,Zhang Jingjing40,Woo Sang Hoon40,Deng Xiaoying40,Katz-Greenberg Goni40,Senter Katharine40,Sharshir Moh’d A.40,Rusnak Vadym V.40,Ali Muhammad Imran40,Peters Terri40,Hughes Kathy40,Bansal Anip40,Podoll Amber S.40,Chonchol Michel40,Sharma Sunita40,Burnham Ellen L.40,Douin David J.40,Rashidi Arash40,Hejal Rana40,Judd Eric40,Latta Laura40,Tolwani Ashita40,Albertson Timothy E.40,Adams Jason Y.40,Chang Steven Y.40,Beutler Rebecca M.40,Schulze Carl E.40,Macedo Etienne40,Rhee Harin40,Liu Kathleen D.40,Jotwani Vasantha K.40,Koyner Jay L.40,Shah Chintan V.40,Jaikaransingh Vishal40,Toth-Manikowski Stephanie M.40,Joo Min J.40,Lash James P.40,Neyra Javier A.40,Chaaban Nourhan40,Elias Madona40,Ahmad Yahya40,Iardino Alfredo40,Au Elizabeth H.40,Sharma Jill H.40,Sosa Marie Anne40,Taldone Sabrina40,Contreras Gabriel40,Zerda David De La40,Fornoni Alessia40,Gershengorn Hayley B.40,Hayek Salim S.40,Blakely Pennelope40,Berlin Hanna40,Azam Tariq U.40,Shadid Husam40,Pan Michael40,O’ Hayer Patrick40,Meloche Chelsea40,Feroze Rafey40,Padalia Kishan J.40,Bitar Abbas40,Leya Jeff40,Donnelly John P.40,Admon Andrew J.40,Flythe Jennifer E.40,Tugman Matthew J.40,Chang Emily H.40,Brown Brent R.40,Leonberg-Yoo Amanda K.40,Spiardi Ryan C.40,Miano Todd A.40,Roche Meaghan S.40,Vasquez Charles R.40,Bansal Amar D.40,Ernecoff Natalie C.40,Kapoor Sanjana40,Verma Siddharth40,Chen Huiwen40,Kovesdy Csaba P.40,Molnar Miklos Z.40,Azhar Ambreen40,Hedayati S. Susan40,Nadamuni Mridula V.40,Shastri Shani40,Willett Duwayne L.40,Short Samuel A.P.40,Renaghan Amanda D.40,Enfield Kyle B.40,Bhatraju Pavan K.40,Malik A. Bilal40,Semler Matthew W.40,Vijayan Anitha40,Joy Christina Mariyam40,Li Tingting40,Goldberg Seth40,Kao Patricia F.40,Schumaker Greg L.40,Goyal Nitender40,Faugno Anthony J.40,Hsu Caroline M.40,Tariq Asma40,Meyer Leah40,Kshirsagar Ravi K.40,Jose Aju40,Weiner Daniel E.40,Christov Marta40,Griffiths Jennifer40,Gupta Sanjeev40,Kapoor Aromma40,Wilson Perry40,Arora Tanima40,Ugwuowo Ugochukwu40,


1. Division of Renal Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

2. Departments of Medicine and Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

3. Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

4. Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York

5. Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York

6. Department of Emergency Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York

7. Department of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York

8. Department of Internal Medicine, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall, Nutley, New Jersey

9. Department of Internal Medicine, Hackensack Meridian Health, Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey

10. Renal-Electrolyte and Hypertension Division, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

11. Divison of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine Center, New York, New York

12. Department of Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey

13. Department of Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois

14. Division of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Aurora, Aurora

15. Center for Translational Metabolism and Health, Institute for Public Health and Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois

16. Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

17. Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University, Newark

18. Division of Critical Care, Cooper University Health Care, Camden, New Jersey

19. Division of Nephrology, Kings County Hospital Center, New York City Health and Hospital Corporation, Brooklyn, New York

20. Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts

21. Division of Nephrology, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

22. Department of Nephrology, Ochsner Health System, New Orleans, Louisiana

23. Ochsner Clinical School, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

24. Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts

25. Division of Nephrology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

26. Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, NYU (New York University) Langone Medical Center, New York, New York

27. Division of Nephrology, Cook County Health, Chicago, Illinois

28. Department of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine/Indiana University Health, Indianapolis

29. ProMedica Research, ProMedica Toledo Hospital, Toledo, Ohio

30. University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, Burlington

31. Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

32. Department of Learning Health Sciences, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor

33. Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

34. Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida

35. Division of Critical Care Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York

36. Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora

37. Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee

38. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts

39. Harvard-MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Program in Health Sciences and Technology, Boston, Massachusetts

40. for the STOP-COVID Investigators


American Medical Association (AMA)


Internal Medicine

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