1. Hernia Repair for the Underserved, Omaha, Nebraska2Department of Surgery, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles
2. Hernia Repair for the Underserved, Omaha, Nebraska3Department of Surgery, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska
3. Hernia Repair for the Underserved, Omaha, Nebraska4Department of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
4. Department of Surgery, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield
5. Hernia Repair for the Underserved, Omaha, Nebraska6Division of Pediatric Surgery, University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Omaha
6. Hernia Repair for the Underserved, Omaha, Nebraska7Department of Surgical Science, University of Insubria, Instituto Clinico Sant’Ambrogio, Milano, Italy
7. Hernia Repair for the Underserved, Omaha, Nebraska8Department of Surgery, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
8. Hernia Repair for the Underserved, Omaha, Nebraska9Division of General Surgery, School of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
9. Hernia Repair for the Underserved, Omaha, Nebraska10Department of Surgery, Wilhelmsburg Groß-Sand Hospital, Hamburg, Germany
10. Hernia Repair for the Underserved, Omaha, Nebraska11Department of Surgery, L’Hôpital de l’Université d’État d’Haïti, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
11. Hernia Repair for the Underserved, Omaha, Nebraska12Department of Surgery, University of North Carolina, Charlotte