An Investigation of Psychosis Subgroups With Prognostic Validation and Exploration of Genetic Underpinnings


Dwyer Dominic B.1,Kalman Janos L.123,Budde Monika2,Kambeitz Joseph4,Ruef Anne1,Antonucci Linda A.15,Kambeitz-Ilankovic Lana4,Hasan Alkomiet1,Kondofersky Ivan67,Anderson-Schmidt Heike28,Gade Katrin28,Reich-Erkelenz Daniela2,Adorjan Kristina12,Senner Fanny12,Schaupp Sabrina29,Andlauer Till F. M.10,Comes Ashley L.23,Schulte Eva C.12,Klöhn-Saghatolislam Farah12,Gryaznova Anna2,Hake Maria2,Bartholdi Kim2,Flatau-Nagel Laura2,Reitt Markus8,Quast Silke8,Stegmaier Sophia11,Meyers Milena12,Emons Barbara12,Haußleiter Ida Sybille12,Juckel Georg12,Nieratschker Vanessa11,Dannlowski Udo13,Yoshida Tomoya14,Schmauß Max9,Zimmermann Jörg15,Reimer Jens1617,Wiltfang Jens81819,Reininghaus Eva20,Anghelescu Ion-George21,Arolt Volker13,Baune Bernhard T.132223,Konrad Carsten24,Thiel Andreas24,Fallgatter Andreas J.11,Figge Christian25,von Hagen Martin26,Koller Manfred27,Lang Fabian U.28,Wigand Moritz E.28,Becker Thomas28,Jäger Markus28,Dietrich Detlef E.293031,Scherk Harald32,Spitzer Carsten33,Folkerts Here34,Witt Stephanie H.35,Degenhardt Franziska3637,Forstner Andreas J.36373839,Rietschel Marcella35,Nöthen Markus M.3637,Mueller Nikola6,Papiol Sergi12,Heilbronner Urs2,Falkai Peter1,Schulze Thomas G.2,Koutsouleris Nikolaos140


1. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany

2. Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics, University Hospital, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany

3. International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS-TP), Munich, Germany

4. Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

5. Department of Education, Psychology and Communication, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy

6. Institute of Computational Biology, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Oberschleißheim, Germany

7. Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Munich Garching, Garching, Germany

8. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany

9. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Bezirkskrankenhaus Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany

10. Department of Neurology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, School of Medicine, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

11. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

12. Department of Psychiatry, Ruhr University Bochum, LWL University Hospital, Bochum, Germany

13. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Münster, Münster, Germany

14. Department of Physiology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

15. Psychiatrieverbund Oldenburger Land gGmbH, Karl-Jaspers-Klinik, Bad Zwischenahn, Germany

16. Department of Psychiatry, Klinikum Bremen-Ost, Bremen, Germany

17. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

18. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Gottingen, Germany

19. Institute of BioMedicine (iBiMED), Medical Sciences Department, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal

20. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Research Unit for Bipolar Affective Disorder, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria

21. Department of Psychiatry, Dr Fontheim–Mental Health, Liebenburg, Germany

22. Department of Psychiatry, Melbourne Medical School, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

23. The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

24. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Agaplesion Diakonieklinikum, Rotenburg, Germany

25. Karl-Jaspers Clinic, European Medical School Oldenburg-Groningen, Oldenburg, Germany

26. Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Clinical Center Werra-Meißner, Eschwege, Germany

27. Asklepios Specialized Hospital, Göttingen, Germany

28. Department of Psychiatry II, Ulm University, Bezirkskrankenhaus Günzburg, Günzburg, Germany

29. AMEOS Clinical Center Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany

30. Center for Systems Neuroscience, Hannover, Germany

31. Burghof-Klinik Rinteln, Rinteln, Germany

32. AMEOS Clinical Center Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany

33. Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, University Medical Center Rostock, Rostock, Germany

34. Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Clinical Center Wilhelmshaven, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

35. Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany

36. Institute of Human Genetics, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany

37. Department of Genomics, Life and Brain Center, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

38. Human Genomics Research Group, Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

39. Centre for Human Genetics, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany

40. International Max-Planck Research School for Translational Psychiatry, Max-Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany


American Medical Association (AMA)


Psychiatry and Mental health

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