
Ждан М. Д.


The purpose of the scientific article is to determine the purpose of dismissal of the employee and the reasons for such removal. It is proved that today neither current legislation, nor jurisprudence, nor science contain a single well-considered vision of the place of exclusion in the labor law system. It is noted that termination of work is always an intermediate stage, which will end either with the renewal of the employment contract and return to previous work, or with the change of the employment contract, or, even, its termination. It is substantiated that, upon dismissal from work, the main purpose is to protect the interests of the owner and employees, as well as to prevent possible violations of the rules of labor and labor discipline. Based on the analysis of the current legislation, it has been found that there are a lot of entities that have the right to initiate dismissal. By organizing data on the legal capacity of subjects to initiate dismissal, they are divided into three groups: a) entities that make the decision to dismiss and implement it; b) those requiring mandatory dismissal; c) those who raise the issue of dismissal. It is proposed to supplement the current legislation with a new reason for dismissal of an employee.


H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

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1. ВІДСТОРОНЕННЯ ВІД РОБОТИ: ПИТАННЯ РЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ ПРАВА НА ПРАЦЮ;Збірник наукових праць ХНПУ імені Г. С. Сковороди "Право";2021








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