
Вдовиченко О.


The Aim of the study is to determine the psycholinguistic meaning of the concept of Odesa in the linguistic consciousness of its inhabitants. Research Methods and Sample. The study used a free associative experiment. The subjects were to write five associations on the word "Odesa". A total of 117 respondents, aged 16-57, who live in Odesa, participated in the study. Results. By applying the frequency analysis of associates to the word-stimulus Odessa, the most widespread associations have been analyzed, which reveal the psycholinguistic meaning of the concept "Odessa". Ranks of the most frequent reactions on the whole set of associations and on the first reaction are determined. Semantic groups of associates are analyzed. A meaningful and quantitative analysis of the associates of the resulting semantic groups makes it possible to identify Odesa in the linguistic consciousness of its inhabitants as a maritime tourist city that has a glorious history, beautiful architecture and is a symbol of humor. The comparative analysis of the concept "Odesa" with the concepts "Moscow" and "Kiev" is carried out. Conclusions. From the results of the semantic interpretation of the concept of "Odesa" it follows that this city is associated with the sea, beautiful architectural and glorious history, which is equated with humor and fun. In the associative field of this concept, the largest group of associates was those describing its relationship with nature and the sea. A significant group of peripheral and single reactions consisted of tokens related to the associative field of architectural and historical topics. Unlike metropolitan cities, Odesa has no signs of a metropolis and infrastructure center in the linguistic picture of the world of its citizens.


H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

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