Physico-chemical properties and structural transformations in the synthesis of boroalumosilicate glass-crystal materials



The aim of this work is to study the areas of glass formation and metastable liquation of the pseudo-ternary system (MgO·Al2O3)-B2O3-SiO2, and study of the crystallization process of glasses of cordierite composition. The crystallization process of glasses of cordierite composition containing B2O3 by a single-stage heat treatment at 1000 oC and 1200 oC, the nature of crystallization, the thermal properties of glasses and glass crystalline materials of the system (MgO·Al2O3)-B2O3-SiO2 were studied. It revealed that during the isolation of a boron-containing solid solution, the residual glassy phase enriched with oxides of MgO and Al2O3, which lead to an increase in the thermal expansion coefficient of the glass phase. The research results provide possibility to synthesize glass-ceramics with certain thermophysical parameters by stopping further glass crystallization at the stage of formation of a certain amount and ratio of the required crystalline and glassy phases.


Uzbekistan Research Online


General Medicine

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