
Olenyuk O.A.,Tkach O.V.


In modern conditions, to increase the yield of cultivated plants use pre-sowing seeds with the use of chemical and biological products. Due to the orientation of the world's leading countries on environmentally friendly agricultural production technologies, more and more attention is being paid to the development of electro-technological processing methods. The main advantage of electromagnetic technology for pre-sowing seed treatment with low-energy radiation of the EHF range is the possibility of improving their growth and development by mobilizing the internal reserves of the seed itself, accelerating the diffusion of molecules through the cell membrane, the speed of chemical reactions and causing redness plants and promotes yield without chemical or biological agents or genetic engineering methods. The technology of seed treatment EMF EHF allows to store in the seed all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which when processed by other methods is difficult to achieve. The study is based on the analysis of literature, theoretical and experimental studies of the energy and spectral characteristics of the diode generator in the EHF wavelength range, which can be concluded that the increase in plant yields is possible based on the use of millimeter-wave electromagnetic radiation for pre-sowing seed treatment. The article proposes a technique for investigating the energy characteristics of a semiconductor six-diode generator on avalanche-spanning diodes for pre-sowing seed treatment of cultivated plants. The result of the developed technique is that one of the main elements of the plant for pre-sowing seed treatment is the emitter of EM energy, which should form the necessary radiation pattern and provide a sufficient level of power flow density on the grain.


State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya


General Medicine

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