Akkaraman koyunu ve Kıl keçisinde Cavalieri prensibi kullanılarak cerebellum hacminin hesaplanması




1. Selçuk Üniversitesi



The aim of this study is to calculate the cerebellum volume in Akkaraman sheep and Hair goat using the Cavalieri's principle. Cerebellum of 12 healthy 1-2 year old male animals (6 sheep and 6 goats) were used in the study. The weight of the cerebellum separated from the rhombencephalon was calculated with a sensitive electronic balance, and its volume was calculated with Archimedes' principle. In the volume measurement to be made with Cavalieri's principle, the cerebellum was blocked with 8% agar to prevent tissue loss during slicing. The stained sections were scanned with a horizontal scanner at 600 dpi resolution. Gray matter and white matter volume were calculated separately by dropping the point counting grid on cross sections in ImageJ software. Cerebellum weight was calculated as 11.6 gr in sheep and 12.55 gr in goats. The ratio of cerebellum weight to total brain weight was calculated as 0.10 in both species. It was observed that the cerebellum weighs an average of 9.8% of the total brain weight in sheep. In the goat, it was observed that the cerebellum constituted 10.11% of the brain. Gray matter and white matter volumes were calculated as 6.75 ml and 3.36 ml in sheep, respectively. In the goat, the gray matter and white matter volumes were measured as 6.80 ml and 3.82 ml, respectively. Total cerebellum volume was found to be 10.14 ml and 10.65 ml in sheep and goats, respectively. In sheep, 65.55% of the cerebellum volume consisted of gray matter and 33.08% of white matter. In goats, 63.88% of the cerebellum consisted of gray matter and 35.85% of white matter. No statistical difference was observed in the volume measurement results obtained in both species (p>0.05). In recent years, there has been an increase in neurodegenerative disease models in farm animals. These diseases can cause changes in the volume of the cerebellum. In this context, it is thought that the volume values obtained from healthy sheep and goat cerebellum in the current study will be important for future studies


Veteriner Hekimler Dernegi Dergisi


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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